People have loved their pet dogs since
the domestication of wolves took place in the Mesolithic era. But what can we
learn about man’s relationship to dog from phrases and sayings from the past –
the results may surprise you!
A domesticated
carnivorous mammal, Canis
familiaris (or C. lupus familiaris), which typically has a long snout, an
acute sense of smell, non-retractile claws, and a barking, howling, or whining
voice, widely kept as a pet or for hunting, herding livestock, guarding, or
other utilitarian purposes. [OED]
Where does the word ‘dog’ come from?
‘Dog’ belongs in a group of word that are unique to the
English language. These are a collection of animal nouns that end in -g , such as hog, pig, stag and …erhm…earwig!
‘Dog’ is used in olde English texts, but not as often as ‘hound’ – variations
of which are found in many European countries ( Dutch – hond, German – hund. )
To ‘Cast Someone to the Dogs’
To ‘Cast Someone to the Dogs’
Lapdogs were known prior to the 18th century, but
largely regarded with distain. The
proper place for a dog was as a working animal, hunting or guarding. The
language used in the 17th century and earlier reflects the workman-like
relationship of man to dog and the rough life the animal was expected to endure.
To cast someone to the
dogs (expression recorded in 1556) or go
to the dogs (1619) was used to mean that you didn’t care what happened to
that person.
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The proper use for a dog was as a working animal - as pictured here. |
Dog eat dog (used
from 1789) and unleash the dogs of war
(Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar) – language denoting the savagery of dogs – a far
cry from cuddly lapdogs!
Likewise a medieval proverb about not waking a sleeping dog (a variant of which is still in modern
use, let sleeping dogs lie) – meant
to watch out for trouble if the dog was woken.
A Hair of the Dog
‘A hair of the dog’
is in common parlance as meaning an alcoholic hangover cure - but surprisingly this
saying actually originates from the mid-16th century and the fear of
rabies. At a time when rabies was present in Britain, one suggested remedy to
cure a bite from an infected dog, was to imbibe of ‘a hair of the dog that bit you.’ Just as with the hangover cure, it’s unlikely
this helped.
A Dog’s Life
The majority of working dogs lived outdoors and although fed
scraps, they also largely fended for themselves. The original intent of ‘a dog’s life’ was to imply a pitiful,
miserable existence. The word dog was similarly used to imply something
second-rate, poor or debased, such as in: dog-Latin.
From the mid-19th century onwards dog welfare improved somewhat, but
before this there was little objection to dogs being abused, beaten or misused –
spurning many expressions reflects this: dog-tired,
dog-weary, dog-hungry and dog-sick.
To be ‘sick as a dog’ or
‘lead a dog’s life’ – implied a very
unpleasant existence indeed, whilst ‘to
die a dog’s death’ meant a
dishonourable end. Indeed, another phrase ‘to
give a dog a bad name and hang him’ comes from an English, 17th
century custom of publically hanging dogs with a bad reputation. This spurned
another saying, “Whose dog is hanging”
– meaning “What is all the fuss about?” As late as the mid-20th century, in
Derbyshire and Essex, to refer to a ‘dog
hanging’ was still widely understood as meaning a public fuss or spectacle.
And finally…
Sadly, there will always be exceptions but for the most part
dogs today are lavished with affection and care; with this in mind I’m happy to
conclude that ‘to lead a dog’s life’
has a much happier implication in the modern age than in medieval times.
Lovely post. I'm a dog-lover, and I've wondered about some of these terms before. I especially agree with the last: A dog's life is pretty good: Who else gets a personal trainer, cook, nurse, walking companion, manicurist, hair-brusher, all for free? :-)